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Import大红鹰网址线路检测中心t Notice ― Trading of KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Common Stock, Disclaimer Regarding Unsponsored Americ大红鹰网址线路检测中心 Depository Receipts

KOKUSAI ELECTRIC (the “Company”) encourages anyone interested in buying or selling its common stock to do so on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which is where its common stock is listed and primarily trades. 大红鹰网址线路检测中心’s disclosures are not intended to facilitate trades in, and should not be relied on for decisions to trade, unsponsored American Depository Receipts (“ADRs”).

大红鹰网址线路检测中心 has not and does not participate in, support, encourage, or otherwise consent to the creation of any unsponsored ADR programs or the issuance or trading of any ADRs issued thereunder in respect of its common stock. 大红鹰网址线路检测中心 does not represent to any ADR holder, bank or depositary institution, nor should any such person or entity form the belief, that (i) 大红鹰网址线路检测中心 has any reporting obligations within the meaning of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) or (ii) 大红鹰网址线路检测中心’s website will contain on an ongoing basis all information necessary for 大红鹰网址线路检测中心 to maintain an exemption from registering its common stock under the Exchange Act pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) thereunder.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, 大红鹰网址线路检测中心 disclaims any responsibility or liability to ADR holders, banks, depositary institutions, or any other entities or individuals in connection with any unsponsored ADRs representing its common stock.