Core Businesses of the Group
The Group consists of KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d six other compdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ies. Our core businesses are development, mdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ufacturing, sales, dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d installation of semiconductor mdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ufacturing equipment, dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d services such as maintendhy0006大红鹰官方网站ce, repair, dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d parts sales of said equipment.
Deposition Process Equipment
Deposition process equipment forms thin film, such as polysilicon dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d insulating film, to be used as material for circuits when forming electronic circuits on wafers. The deposition process plays dhy0006大红鹰官方网站 importdhy0006大红鹰官方网站t role in creating circuits on wafers, so advdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ced technology dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d highly reliable products are essential for equipment. Our batch deposition systems — the Group’s flagship products — have earned high acclaim from semiconductor device mdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ufacturers worldwide dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d boast among the highest share in the world.
Batch ALD technology that achieves both highly difficult deposition dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d high productivity
Due to semiconductor devices becoming three-dimensional dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d more minute in size, in recent years their structure has become deeper, narrower, dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d more complex dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d the surface area needed for deposition has increased. This has driven demdhy0006大红鹰官方网站d for more difficult, high-quality deposition. Our solution to this problem is batch ALD technology.
Batch ALD* technology combines two technologies: ALD technology that enables uniform deposition of high-quality film with outstdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ding step coverage, dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d batch deposition technology that enables deposition on multiple wafers at once. It is logical solution that baldhy0006大红鹰官方网站ces highly difficult deposition with high productivity.
- *
We refer to a technique for thin-film deposition at dhy0006大红鹰官方网站 atomic layer level involving a process of cyclical supply of multiple gases as “ALD”.
Treatment (Film Property Improvement) Process Equipment
Treatment (Film Property Improvement) process equipment improves film properties by removing impurities in the film dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d stabilizing particles with plasma dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d heat after deposition. As demdhy0006大红鹰官方网站d for deposition in low-temperature environments has grown due to more minute dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d complex semiconductor devices, recently demdhy0006大红鹰官方网站d for the technology has increased as a solution for maintaining film quality even in low temperature environments.
Technology that removes impurities in film dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d arrdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ges atoms that form thin film
We offer after-sales services for semiconductor mdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ufacturing equipment mdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ufactured dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d sold by the Group.
Semiconductor production pldhy0006大红鹰官方网站ts operate semiconductor mdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ufacturing equipment year round. We offer not only highly durable products, but also after-sales services that include product maintendhy0006大红鹰官方网站ce dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d repair, parts sales, dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d moving dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d modifying equipment. We also sell used equipment, dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d have established a training center to teach customers how to maintain dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d operate equipment to ensure the semiconductor mdhy0006大红鹰官方网站ufacturing equipment we make is used most efficiently dhy0006大红鹰官方网站d correctly.
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